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Sunday, 15 December 2013


Dear readers. Good morning and how has the weekend been so far? Mine is really cool..hope yours is better?
I have something to share with you guys today and here it goes;
 So a hunter went on his usual hunting one day, and after a very long and fruitless day, he decided to return home and concluded he was unlucky for that day.

On his way home, he saw something jump along the footpath straight to the bush, and he immediately gave it a chase, lo and behold! it was an antelope, a very big one at that. with utmost immediacy, he brought out his gun and shot at the antelope, he waited impatiently for his bullet to get to the antelope, but the bullet was too slow and this really tried his patience, he ran to where the antelope was and caught it alive, by the time the bullet got there, he caught the bullet and returned it to his gun.
 He rushed home enthusiastically to present the antelope to his wife so she could make a good meal from it. Immediately he got home, he wanted to surprise his wife, therefore, he dropped the animal at the backyard and sneaked in to take his bath.after taking his bath he got to the dinning room and to his surprise, he met his wife, chewing on bones, when he inquired where she got the meat, she informed him that she had already slaughtered the antelope and finished preparing it before he finished taking his bath. She had already eaten her food as well...

Who is faster between the hunter and his wife? let us know your answers , you can as well share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter

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